Enjoy! Feel free to use / tweak for your use!
"Our Creator in Heaven..."
At this station, think about those you know (or yourself) who are struggling in the journey of life right now --
Perhaps they are struggling with:
*relationships with parents
*relationships with friends
*health issues
*self esteem
*other concerns
Light a candle as a prayer for those people.
Quietly move to the next station when / if you are ready.
"Hallowed be your name …”
At this station, simply sit or lie on the floor and spend some time listening to the music.
As you listen, meditate about how beauty in music can remind us of God's goodness.
Quietly move to the next station when / if you are ready.
"Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done …”
At this station, think about your prayer friend (the adult who is praying for you throughout the 40 days of Lent). You don’t know who they are! What is that like? Are you nervous to meet them at the lunch on Palm Sunday? Have they sent you a note or reminder that they are thinking of you?
Do you think they are really praying for you every day? They are! They are praying for God’s will to be done in your life. How does that make you feel?
Using the art supplies, created an image or symbol of how you are feeling about this prayer friends experience or your prayer friend or offer up a drawn prayer for them. Here you can express your prayer of thanksgiving and intercession for that adult.
Leave your drawing on the table, it will be displayed in the narthex this Sunday …
Quietly move to the next station when / if you are ready.
“On earth as it is in Heaven …”
At this station, look at the images on the cards.
As you look through them, which ones stick out to you?
What issues come up for you as you look at the images? About yourselves, about your friends, about your families?
Reflect and think about them. That is your prayer!
Will these things matter in Heaven? Will these things lead you to Heaven?
Quietly move to the next station when / if you are ready.
“Give us today our daily bread …”
At this station, focus on eating! Yes! Physical eating and spiritual eating!
The bread and juice is an example of God providing for our basic needs. Offered thanks for all that God provides for you!
Pray for those who do not have enough.
Tear off a piece of bread and eat. Pour and drink the grape juice!
Take the Bible in your hands. Just as God provides for our physical needs, God also provides for us on our faith journey. Just as we must eat physically, we must also “eat” spiritually. If we don’t eat physically we become malnourished and eventually die. The same is true spiritually.
This is an easy “trick” you can do at home to pray. Randomly open the Bible and let the pages fall where they may. Look at where it opened. Wherever your eye falls, begin reading.
What is God speaking to you? Just sit an reflect!
Don’t sense anything or understand what you are reading? Try again!
Quietly move to the next station when / if you are ready.
“Forgive us our sins …”
What is sin?
Sin is anything that separates you from God and God’s love.
Is any sin greater than another?
At this station, focus on the sins you are “carrying” around.
Write a word or words on the stone that represent your sins on a stone.
Then when you are ready, drop the stone into the bowl of water.
This symbolizes that you asking God to help you “carry” the burden.
Take it with you. Each time you look at it, remember that God is present even when life's burdens weigh heavy on us.
Quietly move to the next station when / if you are ready.
“Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”
At this station, you will reflect on Jesus' temptation in the desert!
Push play to watch the youtube video “40.” It is a rendition of Jesus’ time in the wilderness.
What tempts you most?
Which aspects of the Christian do you find it most difficult to follow?
How do you overcome temptations?
Where does that strength come from?
Do you learn anything about yourself when you are in the desert?
Quietly move to the next station when / if you are ready.
“The kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours, now and forever.”
At this station, you will do a “breath prayer.” Sit with you hands in your lap, palms up. Say the first line and take a deep breath then turn palms down. Breathe out as you say the second line. Repeat until you read all lines.
Breathe in the breath of God
Breathe out your cares and concerns
Breathe in the love of God
Breathe out your doubts and despairs
Breathe in the life of God
Breathe out your fears and frustrations
Breathe in the breath of God
Breathe out your tensions and turmoil
Breathe in the love of God
Breathe out your haste and hurry
Breathe in the life of God
Breathe out your work and worry
Quietly move to the next station when / if you are ready.
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